
严旭, 王超, 潘建伟*
浙江师范大学化学与生命科学学院, 浙江金华321004

通信作者:潘建伟;E-mail: jwpan@zjnu.cn;Tel: 0579-82287105

摘 要:

生长素结合蛋白ABP1在植物胚胎发生与发育, 根、下胚轴和叶的生长发育, 以及向性生长中起重要调控作用。ABP1作为可能的生长素受体, 其功能主要通过与生长素结合并快速传递信号, 介导生长素早期响应基因转录和膜蛋白内吞, 调控细胞生长、分裂与分化等过程。本文主要介绍ABP1的研究历史、分子结构与亚细胞定位、遗传学研究、细胞生物学功能及其分子作用机理。

关键词:生长素; 生长素结合蛋白1; 生物学功能; 信号转导

收稿:2013-03-26   修定:2013-04-09

资助:国家自然科学基金(30970255和31171520)和浙江省杰出青年基金 (R3100175)。

Biological Functions and Molecular Action Mechanisms of ABP1 in Plants

YAN Xu, WANG Chao, PAN Jian-Wei*
College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004, China

Corresponding author: PAN Jian-Wei; E-mail: jwpan@zjnu.cn; Tel: 0579-82287105


Auxin binding protein1 (ABP1) plays an essential role in embryogenesis, growth and development of roots, hypocotyls, leaves, and tropic growth. ABP1 as a putative auxin receptor, mediates auxin early response gene transcription and membrane protein endocytosis to regulate cell expansion, cell division and differentia-tion through binding auxin and triggering rapid signal transduction. This review focused on ABP1’s study histo-ry, molecular structure and subcellular localization, genetic study, cellular functions, and molecular action mechanisms.

Key words: auxin; auxin binding protein1; biological functions; signal transduction

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